site to find lovely woman in Netherlands find lovely women from Netherlands
Lovely woman from Netherlands
4175924 -
Patricia02352 -
years old - Single I am from Roosteren/Limburg, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1015086 -
Fernandaxxxxxxxx -
years old - Single but dating I am from Eindhoven/Noord-brabant, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1705406 -
Yadrebelde -
years old - Married I am from Ede/Gelderland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1288633 -
Esterlina -
years old - Divorced I am from Venlo/Limburg, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3572020 -
Marymoraes -
years old - Single I am from Amsterdam/Noord-holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3529444 -
Aivin57 -
years old - Divorced I am from Rotterdam/Zuid-holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
930374 -
Gezellig -
years old - Separated I am from Wognum/Noord-holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
ALGUEM QUE SAIBA LER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Que goste e saiba conversar.Ja sou AVO
2478841 -
Svetlanochka -
years old - Single I am from Arnhem/Gelderland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2286556 -
Alcione39 -
years old - Single I am from Groningen/Groningen, Seeking Dating with Man
4039815 -
Maria Elizabere -
years old - Separated I am from Sint Pancras/Noord-Holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Love and Datings is a website for online dating, friendships, and relationships with 4,706,093 worldwide. Find your perfect match now!
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You’re a click away from finding your soulmate …
3313681 -
Johanilla -
years old - Divorced I am from Utrecht/Utrecht, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4286241 -
Tjkurya -
years old - Widow/Widower I am from Amesterdão/Noord-Holland, Seeking Dating with Man
Ola, falar de si mesmo e dificio. Vamos la, eu sou simples,sincera, honesta e muito verdadeira. Eu so quero e ser FELIZ
3852375 -
Luiza14_13 -
years old - Divorced I am from Leusden/Utrecht, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4127301 -
skybab -
years old - Single I am from Haarlem/Noord-Holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Failure is not Defeat,, until you Stop Trying
4111442 -
Mirian lima -
years old - Divorced I am from Hoorn/Noord-Holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1108043 -
Bebelimafereira -
years old - Single I am from Utrecht/Utrecht, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4271695 -
sofia carla -
years old - Single I am from Almada/Limburg, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
sou uma negra divertida e gostaria de conhecer homens e mulheres de todos sítios gosto de beber e sou livre
4234199 -
Pattydam -
years old - Divorced I am from Aperloo/Noord-Holland, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Somos o que temos no coração. O que passa disso é apenas aparência.
4140585 -
Bela Azevedo -
years old - Single I am from Roterdão/Sul-Holanda, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3457774 -
Eglis45 -
years old - Single I am from Eindhoven/Noord-brabant, Seeking Dating with Man